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At Woodfield Primary School, we recognise that primary education is not just about targets and results in league tables, nor is it simply a preparatory step for secondary school; it is much more than that.  As a school and a Trust, we believe our curriculum should empower all our children with a solid foundation of key knowledge, that encourages, inspires and supports them to aim to achieve their full potential. 

During recent years, teachers and leaders in the Learning Academy Trust have worked collaboratively to develop a curriculum which suits the needs of our children, supporting the development of long-term learning and memory. Our newly constructed curriculum is aligned with the National Curriculum: built on a solid foundation of key knowledge, which will allow the children to build on their learning and be successful in later life.

LAT’s curriculum design is grounded by key subject drivers: History, Geography as well as the core subjects Science, Maths and English. Studying key concepts about the past (History), ‘Then and Now’ and linking to other spaces and places (Geography), ‘Here and There’ enables children to create their own opinions and think deeply. These subjects are carefully positioned across the year and are partnered with others that allow enhanced opportunities for knowledge, to deepen understanding and add more clarity to the learning.  Please take a look at the documentation below for further information of how our curriculum is organised. 

LAT Curriculum Explained

KS1 and KS2 Curriculum Overview

Subject leaders at Woodfield have worked with the Trust's curriculum  to ensure that it suits the needs of the pupils at our school.  For example, making sure that our monthly values are woven through the curriculum and used as part of the assessment opportunities.  

Through our curriculum, children engage in a wide variety of learning that develops creative, artistic, musical, cultural and sporting abilities.  Our curriculum is enhanced by a selection of after school and lunchtime clubs which are well subscribed.  The school takes part in many competitive inter-school competitions such as debating competitions, football and athletics.  Many off-site visits, including residential trips for years 4-6, visitors and extra-curricular activities,  are provided to broaden the skills and life experiences of our children. We have weekly music tuition provided by Plymouth Youth Music Service where children across key stage 2 can experience specialist music tuition such as ukuleles. In addition, we have a specialist PE teacher, who teaches PE across the school, providing exceptional sporting activities for the pupils.    

 The creative arts are important to us at Woodfield, and we participate regularly in local events, singing, dancing, poetry performances as well as putting on class assemblies and our whole school annual Christmas Production. Our school choir performs every year at the Lord Mayor’s Christmas Carol Concert.

Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, you can find out more details about the National Curriculum here.  There is also a parent guide that you can download, this helps to explain the key areas taught in the different year groups.  

Each term the class teachers write a curriculum newsletter, this give information about what the children will be focusing on and learning.  These can be found on the class pages and are also shared via email and on Class Dojo.

Please contact the school office, if you have any questions, or would like further information about our curriculum.